Cleaning Pet Stains from Your Carpet

We've been looking at different ways to remove or reduce common stains in carpets, and today we're looking at pet stains. For homeowners with pets, it's an inevitability that, at some point, you'll end up having to clean an accident up off of the floor, either from your own pet or someone else's. The difference between cleaning one of these stains and cleaning, say, a wine stain, is that the pet accidents usually leave behind an odor that also needs to be dealt with.

Here's how to take care of a pet stain on your carpet.

1) Put on some gloves. You should always do this when dealing with pet waste.
2) Use a dry cloth to blot up any leftover moisture.
3) Re-wet any portion of the pet accident that has dried onto the carpet, and then blot, being careful not to smear. Continue until the stain is picked up.
4) Contain the odor. The best way to do this is to create a solution that mixes one half white vinegar and one half warm water. Spray it onto the affected area, allow a few minutes for it to soak in, and then blot it up with a soft cloth.
5) Sprinkle some baking soda over the stained area as you continue to work toward neutralizing the odor.
6) Create a mixture containing a half cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and one teaspoon of liquid detergent. With rubber gloves on, pour some of this liquid over the baking soda and scrub.
7) Vacuum after you're finished scrubbing.

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