It's bound to happen. By dropping some kind of sharp-edged object, or by moving furniture without lifting it, you'll scratch your hardwood floor and leave a noticeable mark. But never fear! Fixing up your hardwood floor back to an almost-perfect state is as easy as following a few steps.
(1) Check out the scratch. Determine whether the scratch is a light scratch (without much depth), or a deep scratch that has carved into the hardwood.
(2) Steel wool for light scratches. Rub some steel wool over the lightly-scratched surface of your hardwood floor. Be sure to go with the grain, or you'll risk creating even more scratches.
(3) Sandpaper for deep scratches. Just like in Step 2, you'll want to rub the sandpaper with the grain.
(4) Summon the mineral spirits. Use a rag to rub some mineral spirits over the area you sanded or used steel wool on.
(5) Fill it in. Use some wood filler (premixed) and fill in the scratch, then use sandpaper to smooth the spot out. Hopefully, the scratched area will now look as good as new.
We hope you've found this guide useful! If you have any questions about your hardwood flooring, we'd love to answer them -- give us a call today at (952) 933-6422.
(2) Steel wool for light scratches. Rub some steel wool over the lightly-scratched surface of your hardwood floor. Be sure to go with the grain, or you'll risk creating even more scratches.
(3) Sandpaper for deep scratches. Just like in Step 2, you'll want to rub the sandpaper with the grain.
(4) Summon the mineral spirits. Use a rag to rub some mineral spirits over the area you sanded or used steel wool on.
(5) Fill it in. Use some wood filler (premixed) and fill in the scratch, then use sandpaper to smooth the spot out. Hopefully, the scratched area will now look as good as new.
We hope you've found this guide useful! If you have any questions about your hardwood flooring, we'd love to answer them -- give us a call today at (952) 933-6422.
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